rus  eng

How to type your papers

The materials you are going to submit for the Conference Proceedings will not be edited and will be published in original wording.
Please submit your papers or short communications as Microsoft Word files, conforming to the rules below:

EXAMPLE (Format À4)

Upper margin 2.5 cm
Left margin 2 cm
Right margin 2 cm

1 cm spacing


Arial, 12 pt, capital, centered, bold

single line spacing


Arial, 10 pt, capital, centered, bold

Affiliation, city, country - Arial, 10 pt, centered

two-line spacing

Abstract:Arial 10 pt (purpose, procedures, results and conclusions, pls do not type over 400 words)

single line spacing

Keywords:: 5–8 keywords for the main themes, objects and results,using the basic terms to be indexed by the international services specializing in abstracts.

two-line spacing

Text: Arial 11 pt.

single line spacing

Fig. 1, 2, 3,… : Arial 11 pt.

single line spacing

* Notes: Arial 10 pt.

single line spacing

Headings and subheadings:Arial, bold, 11 pt

single line spacing

Text:Arial 11 pt.

single line spacing

Table 1, 2, 3,…: Heading and content Arial 11 pt.

single line spacing

Text:Arial 11 pt.

Bottom margin 2.5 cm

Before 15 June 2012, please attach your plenary papers or short communications in English to your e-mail message to , with the following preamble: “To the “KUNMING-PM’2012” Organizing Committee”. Name/Surname/Affiliation/Address/Tel./Fax/E-mail

Please include this paper (“-title of your paper-“) in the Conference Proceedings, and we declare that this material is open for publishing (+ date of your message).

The reports with figures and tables for publication in the Proceedings of the Conference should be black & white; the volume should not exceed 6000 characters.

If you intend to have figs. in your paper or report, please prepare them as separate Windows XP - compatible files, attached to your message by e-mail. Please take into account that the materials you could wish to display during your presentation should be prepared as PowerPoint files on a CD, DVD or FLESH-USB.

Please remember that you will have 20 minutes for a plenary report and 10 minutes for a short communication.